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With heavy hearts we are announcing RiseFest has been postponed to 2021
Rob's first time speaking in a church since COVID began
We feel so blessed to have the majority of our 2020 lineup in tact!
On May 1, 2001 Rob launched RISE Ministries!
Join us for day 2 of Rise Through A Crisis.
Join us with leaders of all kinds as we discuss how to Rise Through A Crisis.
?Today the Christian Festival Association (CFA), the leading association of Christian Festivals in North America, announced the launch of their “Hope Lives” initiative. As a part of the initiative, all of the festivals represented by the association have together adopted the theme “Hope Lives” for their ministries in 2020 and committed afresh to sharing messages of hope and encouragement to their communities throughout this challenging time.
RiseFest is committed to making the festival happen in 2020. Therefore we feel it is in the best interest of the festival to move the date from June to Labor Day weekend and have the festival take place September 4th and 5th.
We here at RISE Ministries are deep in prayer concerning the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The RiseFest stage construction is officially underway!